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10. 3. 2025
10. 3. 2025

Cruinniú na nÓg at Ballycroy Visitor Centre 2023

Project’s Call to Action
Calling all explorers! Did you know that our bogs are teaming with tiny plant and animal life? Below our feet is a microcosm of wonder! Together using our ecologists tools and drawing skills, we will delve into the tiny world of bog flora and fauna. As part of Cruinniú na nÓg 2023 Melanie Whelan Illustration and Wild Nephin National Park invite you to explore the wild and wonderful flora and fauna of the bog. Together we will learn about our discoveries and capture our ‘Specimens’ through illustration.

Workshop Overview
Children will explore the biodiversity of the bog. As well as identifying the different species, the finer details of botanical specimens will be examined using botany loupes. The animal
life of the bog will also be examined. Animals will be live captured using a number of different methods including pond dipping for the aquatic animals, Longworth traps for the small mammals and sweep nets for the insects living in foliage and grasslands.

Date: Saturday 10th June 2023

Time: 11:00 (3 spaces available) & 14:00 (13 spaces available)

Age: +7 years (recommended). Guardians/parents must remain with children for duration of the workshop.

Venue: Ballycroy Visitor Centre

Duration: Approximately 2 hours

Booking Essential | Spaces Limited | Phone: 098 49888 | Email:

Funding from Creative Ireland Mayo for this event is gratefully acknowledged.