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10. 3. 2025
10. 3. 2025

School Visits from the Team at Wild Nephin National Park


FULLY BOOKED - Free school education visits from the Team at Wild Nephin National Park for spring 2023. Contact the Ballycroy Visitor Centre for more information.


Unfortunately we are now fully booked for our Call of the Wild Roadshow for Spring 2023

From mid-March we will be taking bookings for school visits to Wild Nephin National Park, so please get in touch with us if you are interested in having your school attend the Ballycroy Visitor Centre so we can add your name to the list.


As we leave behind the darkness of winter and head into spring 2023, we will be taking our ‘Call of the Wild Roadshow’ on tour to Mayo primary schools.

Led by the Wild Nephin Education Team, the roadshow will include a display of animals and birds that have made your National Park their home. Learn what makes a good habitat for wildlife and how we can all help ‘Protect Nature’.

Wild Nephin National Park is home to one of Europe’s largest intact active Blanket Bog systems. The Team will discuss the importance of bogs as habitats for wildlife and how they also play a significant role as a carbon sink, helping protect us against the effects of climate change.

Please phone +3539849888 or email for more information.