Ballycroy Visitor Centre reopening Thursday March 16

On Thursday March 16th, the Ballycroy Visitor Centre will reopen for the 2023 season. Opening hours are from 10.00 to 17.30. The Ginger & Wild Cafe is also reopening the same day.
On Thursday March 16th, the Ballycroy Visitor Centre will reopen to the public for the 2023 season. The Ginger and Wild Café will also reopen on this day.
Opening hours are as usual 10.00 until 17.30 (café closes at 17.00). We look forward to welcoming you to the Visitor Centre!
We will be shortly releasing a programme of events for the coming weeks.
Should you require any information about Wild Nephin National Park or the Mayo Dark Sky Park, please don’t hesitate to contact us either by phone +353 98 49888 or via email