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14. 3. 2025
14. 3. 2025

Killarney National Park Photography Competition

HERITAGE WEEK 2022 – Our Built and Natural Heritage.

[Competition Now Closed]

The title for the Killarney National Park photographic competition is “Our History, Our Future”. The theme is tied in to Heritage Week 2022 which is all about the sustainability of built and natural heritage; Killarney National Park has an abundance of both and we want to see your interpretation of our beautiful landscape. In addition to the photograph, we want to know why you’ve chosen the subject for your image. In no more than 250 words, tell us what the image means to you, what do you see when you look at it and what do you know about the subject of your image.

The competition is open to all young people aged 9yrs to13yrs old and we want to see the passion you have for your national park in a photograph. The competition runs from 4th July to 5th August 2022 so there’s plenty of time to get that perfect shot, but don’t be late with your entries, make sure they arrive by 4:30pm on Friday 5th August.

We can’t wait to see your photographs and read your stories!